Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cruise, Day Five

The Go-go boys had a habit of taking out their dicks all over the place which was nice.  I think I touched about 40 dicks, from that club, to Wet, which was like a shower show, to Anthology, the male strip club.  What fun.  Oh, and dinner along the way.
Once we got to Anthology, this guy came up to me, whipped it out, and away we went.  Afterward they tried to run some kind of double tip scam.  The dance was $50 but I only had $20s and anyway, it all worked out.
We went back down and I saw a few dozen more men, apparently word went around that I had money.  Soon the club was FULL of guys from the ship.  After a couple hours, maybe a bit less, someone came up to me and asked if I wanted to go upstairs.
I’m like “No, I’ve already been.”
He’s like “You can suck my dick”
I’m like “No, I’m good.”
He’s like “You can lick my ass”
I’m like “Well... No, I’m still good.”
He’s like “I’ll cum in your mouth”
I’m like “Let’s go”
I got a pretty good photo of him.

1 comment:

Noahbodyx said...

Wow, that’s nice and hot cruise day 5. Makes me want to check it out.
You did get a nice photo.